Saturday, July 6, 2019

Best Online Courses For Digital Marketing

The online industry is changing the way we promote business and services faster than most marketers can catch up with. The latest digital marketing trends show that the use of various technological solutions is imperative for the success of your campaign.

For this reason, constant education and improvement of digital marketing skills is a necessity for anyone who is looking for a long term career in the industry.

Let’s take a look at some of the best online courses you can attend in order to level up your digital marketing expertise.

Udemy complete digital marketing course

This is one of the best online courses for people who run startups, as well as those who are looking for a way to increase traffic to their website. The course contains more than 20 hours of teaching content which includes lectures, quizzes, and other forms of practical learning material.

In addition, the course covers 12 major digital marketing topics such as SEO, social media, copywriting, and many other useful aspects of online promotion.

Actionable lectures, as well as a series of projects and checklists,  make the entire course highly interactive, which is an important part of the learning process because passive courses can lead to loss of focus.

Since the course itself demands a certain amount of dedication, college students that attend this course can avoid staying behind on college duties if they find an online essay writing service to help them with ongoing assignments. At the end of this course, you get an Udemy certificate which proves you have completed the course successfully.

Coursera University of Illinois digital marketing training

The entire training course is created and tutored by University of Illinois professors, which gives the entire program a respectful amount of credibility. The course includes topics like 3D printing, social media, digital marketing analytics, and SEO, which is more or less all you need as a novice in this field.

The best thing about this training program is that you have the power to set your own schedule and learn at your own pace.

Furthermore, the courses include subtitles for participants that don’t speak English well enough to absorb all the knowledge that digital marketing experts from UI have to provide in this course.

For those applicants that can’t afford the fee, there is a financial aid program. Anyone can apply for the aid, but only those that Coursera finds eligible will get the chance to complete the program for free and get their certificate.

Skillshare digital marketing training program

Skillshare is a platform that provides two months period in which you have free access to all of the content available on the website.

Within a multitude of fun and useful content, the platform offers a large number of digital marketing courses that cover virtually everything from SEO, social media, Amazon marketing, analytics, branding, and many other courses which should improve your digital marketing skills. 

If two months is not enough for you to complete every digital marketing course available on Skillshare, then you just have to “pay the piper” and continue as a premium user.

The premium access will also allow you to enjoy a series of other types of courses, depending on your needs and interests.

LinkedIn Learning digital marketing course

The most popular business-oriented social network allows you to do more than just promote yourself and your business, it also gives you the chance to enhance your professional skills through a series of online courses which also include digital marketing training.

For a small annual or monthly fee, you get access to numerous digital marketing classes that consist of lectures in SEO, social media, analytics, traffic, and growth, as well as a lot of other lectures that build your online marketing skill set.

The lectures and courses are categorized in a way that allows you to find just the right kind of course for your needs. In addition, you set your own pace and schedule, which means you are the master of your time.

edX Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania digital marketing course

 This program consists of four digital marketing courses which include:

  • Digital marketing fundamentals
  • Marketing analytics
  • Managing the value of customer relationship
  • Selling ideas

It takes a serious commitment to complete this program and earn a professional certificate. Each course takes about 3-5 hours per day for 5-6 weeks in order to complete, which is a lot of time.

However, the fact that you get the best possible care by professors from Pennsylvania University makes the effort count. At the end of the course, you get a Professional Certificate, which can substantially improve your chances of landing a job or simply serve as a credential for your future clients.


The digital marketing industry is on a constant rise, each new eCommerce or any other kind of business requires a professional to handle the online marketing of the firm.

Even if you run one person-team business, digital marketing techniques are essential for the success of your enterprise. These courses have a proven track record, they are reliable and time-flexible. Choose the one which works best for you, and grow your skillset properly.


Frank Thompson is a freelance content writer dedicated to writing stories on topics such as digital marketing and online business. His extensive vocabulary and masterful wordplay allow him to produce engaging and compelling content that keeps the reader interested and focused.

A series of well-researched content published by numerous online publishers are the testimony of Frank’s commitment and dedication to content writing.

Info sources:


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