Thursday, July 11, 2019

4 Reasons Remote Workers Need A Dedicated IP VPN

The amount of remote workers is steadily rising with the accessibility of internet. This saves businesses on work spaces, and many remote workers do so because they enjoy working from home. Even if you work for a particular company on-site, many employees opt for telecommuting a certain amount of time. 

This makes traveling more convenient, as more are finding it possible to give professional services online. However, new methods of business, especially online, pose new threats, which can be hard to see coming or to even know when it is happening.

Some remote workers will still need to handle sensitive information on company servers. While this involves the company becoming cloud-compatible to promote security. However, even these servers can be subject to online attacks. Companies that want to double down on privacy can provide a secure link through a Virtual Privacy Network, of VPN. This is comparable to taking a work laptop home with all of the data from the company existing on it and remaining on that same company network.

These are the 4 reasons why you need a dedicated IP VPN as a remote worker. 

1. Access Company Information

This could be the most important aspect of VPN connected networks because how can work be completed if you are lacking the resources. However, loading up all the necessary information can be not only time consuming, but also take a great deal of memory on the computer. Remote work becomes that much more streamlined, when the company’s information is shared over the same network. 

When accessing the business’ server without a dedicated VPN, you will be booted or only gain access to limited information if not on site. Most companies set their system programming so it can only be accessed locally. This will mean all computers on-site are on the same network, where information is passed easily and outsiders cannot get in. With a VPN service remote workers can still have access to this same network through a secure link.

The encryption a VPN provides security to any internet traffic done over a server. The information goes through a cycle of encryption when sent, then decrypted after it is routed to the destination. It will serve as a middleman to the data, so nothing is collected by outside parties. 

The best type of VPN service will have access to servers around the world available. This will be convenient for working with international branches or those just traveling out of country. The services provided by come with this programing, but also serves a variety of other vpn needs. IP masking and an emergency ‘kill switch’ that will disconnect a faulty connection are just a few examples.

2. Privacy

Even if hackers are not focused on your server’s information, the data of sites you visit are still gathered by the internet provider. A VPN can hide all sensitive material from your internet provider. While those supplying internet to your home will not actively steal your information, if they ever experience a breech, the raiders could then have all your passwords and company information you access from home. 

The government can drop in on unsecured IP servers and it can be completely legal for them to do so. This voyeurism has become a worry about remote workers, and anyone who browses the web. If you do not want particular information accessible by any other parties, and dedicated IP VPN will achieve this. 

3. Download Information Safely

If traveling abroad, downloading information that is unknowingly illegal is common. There are many regulations in different countries and by using their servers, you can commit a crime without knowing. Having a VPN place you with an IP address of a locational server that you are familiar with can make the difference in legal matters. 

Traveling is exciting, especially if you can work while abroad, but that does not mean you should not secure your data along the way, even if to protect you from accidental illegal downloads. It is terrifying to go through the court system in a different country, most company lawyers are not familiar with international laws.

4. Promoting Cyber Security

Public wifi networks are easily accessed by cyber predators. They look for professionals accessing business files in public locations. This is common for workspaces such as coffee houses, libraries, or even just checking company email while out at a restaurant. Even personal wifi connections usually do not have the proper security to protect the network from hackers. Remember, as long as the internet has been around, there have been hackers attempting to work their way past security measures.

Hackers can access accounts through wifi, emails, or any sort of communication within the company. A VPN encrypts your information and connects it to the correct party before deciphering the information. These networks use complicated algorithms to jumble up any information that may be in danger. Anyone on the internet would find it extremely difficult to read any of your information. 

Having a dedicated IP VPN as a remote worker can guarantee safety to you and all files you access to on the internet. While working online, it is not just the business at risk of cyber attacks, but also the remote worker. Emails can be hacked which leads to sensitive information being shared with unsavory parties. Security is key when it comes to protecting customer info, company data, and business methods. With a dedicated VPN, a remote worker and their company can feel at ease wherever the job is being completed. 

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