Saturday, July 13, 2019

Keeping Employees Safe at Work

There are many different types of jobs. Some of them involve hard physical labor, while others rely on the use of mostly brain power. However, each setting has conditions that you are a business owner must meet in order to keep your employees safe from harm. 

Possible Hazards 

Unfortunately, it only takes a minute of carelessness for someone to receive a serious injury on the job. As an owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure that you do everything in your power to create an environment that promotes safety first. Otherwise, one of your employees may sustain a serious bodily injury where they not only need time off to recover but may also contact a slip and fall attorney to bring about a fair settlement. 

Building Interior 

A building office may seem innocent enough. However, the interior can have many flaws that can create an unsafe environment. For instance, mats placed in entryways if not secure can buckle up and cause someone to trip and fall. The same scenario can play out with slippery stairs or even a spilled cup of coffee. The good news is that all of these examples are preventable. If you have stairs indoors or leading into the office, maintaining them and adding rubber grips will give your feet a strong footing. In the case of liquids on the floor, teach employees about cleaning up after themselves. And, with the loose rugs, adding a backing or using only commercial-grade, heavy-duty rubber mats will keep them secure and flat.   

Safety Gear 

Every business has different needs when it comes to the required gear. For instance, if your own a construction business and you employ workers who perform tasks at various job sites, it’s important that they wear safety gear which includes a hard hat and steel toe shoes. Firefighters also where specialty hats and their work attire for calls is a fire-resistant suit. And, if you work with chemicals your employees should always wear special gloves, a smock, and their safety goggles. 

Healthy Indoor Environment 

Other types of businesses such as hospitals and nursing homes that come in direct contact with people wear uniforms, gloves, and caps on their heads to prevent the spread of germs to their patients and other patients, and employees, as well as themselves. In the food service industry, food contamination can bring on a sudden outbreak or an illness. This is why these types of professions provide various types of uniforms for their staff that remain at the job. They also wear commercial-grade gloves, safety nets, and non-slip shoes.   

Other Safety Measures 

Other types of accidents can happen in the workplace that is beyond your control like a sudden fire in the building. In this instance, having portable fire extinguishers located every so many square feet, to meet state regulations, can help to contain a fire and prevent it from turning into a major, possibly life-threatening event. Your staff should also know exactly where all of the building exits are located in the events that some exits become useless. Practicing unexpected fire drills a few times throughout the year will help to save lives.   

Employee Training 

Regardless of the type of business you own, employee safety is something that you should practice. One way to make sure that employees always follow protocol is to have periodic meetings that focus solely on safety in the workplace. Often, if owners promote awareness to their staff, the employees will take notice and be much more careful. 

Your employees are an essential component of your company’s success. Without them, you wouldn’t be able to expand your business and improve your wealth. As such, you should take the necessary steps to promote safety on the job. 

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