Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Starting Your Own Law Firm: What You Need to Know

After graduating, many newly qualified attorneys immediately want to set up shop and start their own firm. The conventional wisdom is that an attorney should try working for someone else before they start their own firm.

If you lack experience, it can definitely be difficult to make it with your own firm. However, it can be done.

With the right preparation, you can give yourself a real shot at making it with your own firm. It won’t be easy, no matter what you do. But if you want to succeed, here’s what you need to know.

Finding Clients is Tough

Something that you need to be prepared for before you open the doors of your law firm is that finding clients is tough. You will always be competing with already established law firms and as the new kid on the block, you won’t have the same network that your older competitors do.

It is, therefore, a good idea to have a solid strategy for lead generation in place before you begin.

You need to know exactly how you will go about finding new clients. Without a lead generation strategy, you will be dependent upon blind luck to bring you clients.

Your Name is Your Brand

It is worth putting some serious thought into the name of your law firm, it will have a much bigger impact on our future success than you might realize.

A strong brand is an incredibly valuable asset for any business. Given that many law firms take the names of their senior partners, the intertwining of brands, business, and personal identity makes it imperative that you take great care with your name.

The right name will instantly make your business more appealing and approachable, so the time you invest in coming up with the right one will pay off in the end.

Your Logo Embodies Your Business

Have a look at the website of Malman Law, who handle personal injury claims. Their logo is an excellent example of the kind of thing you should aim for – simple and elegant.

Your logo should embody the most important traits of your business, so make sure you think about it carefully.

Your Website Needs to be Professional

Just like your logo, your website should embody the best qualities of your business.

Your business website should be both informative and persuasive, it should tell visitors what your law firm does and why they should come to you instead of your competitors.

A shoddy website will make your entire business look less professional and will lose your business for no good reason.

Once again, we would recommend that you invest the money needed to hire a professional web developer to come up with something unique and suited to the purpose.

Every lawyer dreams of one day fronting their own firm. Whether you have just qualified or you already have a number of years of experience under your belt, starting your own firm will present a significant challenge. Make sure that you prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

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