Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fast Food & Other Things You Should Avoid While Driving

You probably know about the dangers of texting and driving, but most people are unaware of how many activities can be just as dangerous. They fall under an umbrella term called “distracted driving,” and they cause their fair share of auto accidents as well. Here are the top activities you should avoid while driving. 

Fast Food

Believe it or not, any car accident attorney will tell you that eating and driving is just as dangerous as texting. Distracted driving accounts for 80% of all auto accidents, which includes eating and drinking. Of course, fast food is the largest culprit. 

The time it takes to remove the wrapper, look at your fries, and make sure you don’t spill your drink add up. While it might not seem like much, those few seconds could be the difference between getting to your destination and going to the hospital. 

Your Navigation System

Millions of people rely on their navigations systems to get anywhere. For most, it’s how they navigate traffic while commuting to work. The problem is, you have to take your eyes off the road to see the screen. 

You can avoid an accident caused by this distraction in two ways. The first is to make sure the voice on your GPS is turned up loud enough to hear. The second is to position it somewhere where you can glance at it without completely removing your eyes from the road. 


Everyone has been there. You’re rushing to work and figure you can work on your hair in the car. It seems harmless, put taking your hands off the wheel is just as dangerous as taking your eyes off the road. In this instance, you’re probably doing both to make sure you look your best. 

Radio Adjustments

If you’re constantly fiddling with your radio, then you’re driving distracted. Even without looking, your taking your attention off of the road. Another form of distracted driving is focusing your mind on something else. Set your radio and volume before your trip and leave it there. 

Too Much Talking

There’s nothing wrong with talking to your passengers, but some people take things to the extreme. If you’re too wrapped up in a conversation, then you’re not placing the majority of your focus on the road. It’s important to keep a balance between the two to ensure your own and your passenger’s safety. 

The Deadly Drop

If you’ve ever had something drop between your car seat and the center console, you know how impossible it is to retrieve it. This small action causes more accidents than you might. Instead of cramming your hand down into the abyss, leave the item there until you park again. 

It isn’t easy to train yourself to leave items there, but it could save your life. Whatever you dropped is most likely another distraction anyway. Besides, it’s not going anywhere.

There are plenty of other forms of distracted driving. However, avoiding these common mistakes will help you stay accident free. Remember, anything that takes your hands, eyes, or mind off of the road is dangerous.

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