Tuesday, October 8, 2019

3 Things You Need to Know About Geofencing Marketing

If you are marketing in today’s technology-based day and age, then you need to know how to use geofencing marketing in order to increase your potential sales and promote your product and services in a more effective way. Geofence marketing can greatly increase the chances that the people who see your marketing campaigns and advertisements are the type of people who are interested in buying your products and services. In order to know more about geofencing advertising, you should first consult this essential guide to geofencing marketing for your business. Then, continue on to take a look at 5 essential things you need to know about this type of marketing.

What is Geofencing Marketing?

First, a quick refresher on the definition of geofence marketing: geofencing advertising refers to a type of advertising in which a location-based signal is used in order to create geographical boundaries; these geographical boundaries are then used by markets to specifically market products and services to consumers within that boundary. These boundaries can vary from static locations to businesses and much more. 

Now, onto 3 essential things you need to know about geofencing marketing.

#1: It can be determined using two types of systems

There are two primary technology systems that you can use for geofencing marketing. These are GPS or global positioning systems and RFID or radio frequency identification systems. Which system you use will depend on the type of location boundary you want to set as well as where your marketing is located.

#2: You can target location in more than one way

A geographical boundary is not necessarily a static boundary, though it can be if that is what you want for your marketing purposes. There are several different approaches to defining local boundaries, including:

  • Static geographical boundaries, such as people living within a certain city boundary or district boundary
  • Specific event boundaries, such as people who have attended a specific event location (such as a business meeting, a festival, and even going to a movie theater)
  • Specific business boundaries, such as people who have visited a certain business (such as people who walked into a store, left a competitor’s store, etc.)

#3: You can create “triggers” for the marketing

Geofencing advertising works when someone “triggers” the geographical boundary that has been set. The trigger can vary depending on your needs. Typically, the triggers result in several types of marketing such as: sending text messages, sending app notifications, arranging for ads to appear on various apps, and sending email alerts. Which type of trigger you use will depend on what you are selling as well as who you are selling to, and your personal preferences. You can also use more than one type of trigger, such as sending both an app notification and an email.

Remember, geofencing marketing is essential in today’s digital age and it can be highly beneficial for marketing to people within a certain location, whether that location is a static city boundary or even as a specific business.

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