Tuesday, October 1, 2019

5 Businesses You Can Start with Little to No Money

Welcome to the day and age where the entrepreneurial spirit is shining brighter than it has ever shined before. Innovations are allowing new doors to open to prosperous opportunities. Those willing to put in the work, perfect their craft, and do what many others won’t do couldn’t ask for better times.

Do you have a side hobby you enjoy and work on, regularly? Do you have a love for something that others could benefit from having you do? If you want to reach deep down and embrace your passion, procrastination isn’t an option. It’s the day that you get paid to do what you love!

Before you get started, you need a plan. It’s impossible to start your own business without some usage of modern technology. Thankfully, the SaaS industry makes it even easier by not only hitting necessary touchpoints but by giving out free trials as well.

Here are some tips on software needed for new businesses:

  • A plan is critical. It’s much easier with online business plan software.
  • As you grow your business, you’ll need user onboarding for clients/customers.
  • Backup to the cloud, so that data loss isn’t a risk your business ever takes.
  • Use a merchant account to settle payment card transactions easily.
  • Having an online presence is no longer optional, so web hosting for your site is needed.
  • Selling goods, products, or services online? Streamline cashflow with a shopping cart.
  • Workflows are only as good as the project management software/processes that are used.

In the spirit of entrepreneurship, here are five businesses you can get started with little or no money upfront:

1. App Development

If you’re into coding, the odds are that you already have the software needed to get the job done. Now it’s simply a matter of putting it to use to create a stream of income without having to leave the house. The development will take time and trials, but here’s how to get started:

  • Find an underserved market and brainstorm app ideas that could meet their needs or solve their problem.
  • “Pitch” your app idea to friends and colleagues in the tech industry to hear their feedback.
  • Using the feedback, get to work on the development.
  • Keep your eye out for investment opportunities in the app space.
  • Once your app is live, use social media and a customized website to drive sales.
  • Provide top-notch support for your customers to get the help they need.

2. Graphic Design

While design software, like Adobe Creative Suite, can be expensive, if you love graphic design, you most likely already have the required software. This means no extra money needed to get started! If you don’t, be sure to utilize the free 30-day trial before committing! 

With the software, you can make revenue-creating personal or business logos, advertisements, websites, event posters, signage, and more!

  • Spread the word of your new business to friends and colleagues by word-of-mouth and social media. Get on sites like Fiverr or UpWork to find freelance work.
  • Make sure you have a place to work where you can focus and have room to spread out. You’ll need to space for your computer and sketching.
  • Keep up on the latest web design trends to expand upon your graphic design skills.
  • Build a website that showcases your skills and reels in potential customers.

3. Blogging

There are a couple of different ways to go about blogging from home for money. You can either write for companies that need content, or you can use WordPress to create a free blogging site. If you go with having your own blog, it’s as simple as using ads to generate money.

  • Find a topic that you’re passionate about and do your homework.
  • If you want to write content for other companies, you’ll need to create accounts on blogger database sites. Companies post what they need written, and authors can grab as much or as little as they please.
  • Master the various types of content and identify what works best for your audience.
  • Drive traffic by using paid advertisements on other websites.
  • Take on affiliate programs that could pay you a commission on leads you send.
  • Keep blogging, innovating, and learning how to rank your pages in Google.

4. Pet Sitting

For animal lovers, pet sitting is the perfect business to start from home. You could offer pet walking or boarding services if you have space. 

Getting started is even easier now that everyone uses social media since you can set up a Facebook page to promote your pet sitting business. Below, you’ll see the necessary steps for starting your own.

  • Get started by researching best practices and obtain any necessary certifications in your state. 
  • Prepare for initial visits by purchasing pet toys, food, beds, or other necessities.
  • If you don’t want to manage your clients or do marketing, use apps like Wag or Rover to find clients.

5. Tutoring

Do you love to learn or teach others? Tutoring children or even adults in your area might be a great business idea where you’ll see real results.

  • Get started by promoting yourself with a free Facebook page or website. Eventually, you’ll be able to get word-of-mouth advertising with your tutoring success stories.
  • Refresh your knowledge by learning the latest curriculums and methods of teaching.
  • Obtain any necessary certifications. You might not need any based on your state.
  • Prepare by getting notebooks, calculators, pencils, or other basic school supplies. Try to get these donated to you to save money. 

Last, but not least, use customer experience software and other tools to gather data that tells you how successful your business is in multiple areas. A data-driven company always goes further than a business who fails to embrace these types of processes. 

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