Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Social Media’s Most Useful Metrics

It’s essential to have a good social media reports tool, whether you’re operating your own accounts, or you manage them for clients. A good reporting platform lets you see everything in a centralized place so you can make informed decisions and monitor your brand.

Along with the tool itself, you also need to have an understanding of how to not just see insights but analyze them and figure out how to turn them into action. Even before you can delve more into the metrics, you also need to understand the social funnel.

The social funnel begins with awareness, so these are the metrics that show you what your current audience looks like and your potential audience.

Then, there are engagement metrics showing how your audience interacts with your content.

From there, there are conversion metrics that really get into the effectiveness of engagement, and then there are consumer metrics to show how customers generally feel about your brand.

Within each stage of the funnel are some specific metrics that are most relevant.

The following are some of the metrics in a general sense to pay attention to with your social media reporting.

Engagement Metrics

Engagement is a huge category, and within it, there are many specific metrics you can look at.

If you generally have a high engagement rate, it shows how much your content is resonating with your audience.

If you have a high engagement rate overall, it tends to show that you have a healthy set of real followers.

You can drill down into engagement metrics and get more specific.

There are engagement metrics like likes and comments, and there is also the page engagement rate. Mentions are another thing that are especially relevant on Instagram. With mentions, you’re not promoting someone to tag you, and they’re just organically opting to do it.

Mentions are one engagement consideration, but there’s another term that more broadly covers a similar topic—amplification rate. Your amplification rate is the rate your followers are using your content and sharing it across their networks.

Amplification rate means new audiences are going to see your content and therefore, your brand and without the amplification factor, they might not have ever known you existed.

What’s so positive about a high amplification rate is the fact that your followers see what you’re doing as valuable or high-quality because they’re willing to share it on their own and serve as a brand ambassador.

The amplification rate can be determined by looking at your number of shares and then dividing that by your total followers. Multiply it by 100 to get a percentage rate.

You need to look at multiple engagement metrics in most cases to be able to drive your decision-making.

Reach and Impressions

Reach and impressions are a wider net than engagement typically, but they are still valuable because they can show you more about brand awareness.

Impressions will indicate how often your posts are showing up in timelines, while reach is the unique views a post has.

If you’re in the early days of your social media strategy, reach and impression are more important than they might be for a more established brand because you ultimately need to build awareness and create a certain image before you can go much deeper.

When considering reach and impression as metrics, they’re usually the top-of-the-funnel, but if you don’t have strong brand reach you’re not going to find that you have much else.

Audience Growth

You want to be growing your audience, and that is important, but you also want to be growing it quickly.

Use the metric of audience growth to see how fast you’re gaining followers.

This gives you deeper insight into audience acquisition, and it’s a fairly simple metric to track.

You can measure your new followers across all of your platforms over a particular reporting platform and then divide those new followers by the total audience, on a per-platform basis. Multiply that by 100, and you’ll get a growth rate percentage for your audience.

Referrals From Social Media

Finally, another important metric is the social media referral. A social media referral indicates how much of your site visitors come from your social sites.

Referrals that come from social media can be a big part of your website traffic. Social media referrals mean that what people see on your social profiles are compelling them to learn more or take another action, which is visiting your site.

Referrals can be extremely important because it shows even more interest, so tracking this is essential.

Are these the only ways to track social media metrics? Of course not, but they are some of the foundational metrics that can be a good starting point.

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