Friday, June 5, 2020

5 CRM Hacks Every Entrepreneur Should Be Using In Business

Are you familiar with “What is CRM?” and what are its benefits for the business?  There are many types of CRM, but today this concept is much more than an abbreviation of Customer Relationship Management.

How to Define CRM?

For answering what CRM is, we define it as a method of operation that helps all members of a company to organize and care for links with your network of contacts and clients.

Of course, the ultimate goal of a CRM is to achieve sales: that is why CRM must reflect very well the stages in which the sales are processed are with the clients.

We need to divide these sales processes into four steps so that the tool is agile:


The prospecting or exploration phase is the first step in any sales process and consists of looking for the potential clientele of our business. This phase will always end with a list of prospective clients ordered according to their importance and priority.

The pre-entry or previous approach

Basic, detailed information is necessary for our sales process to be successful. Next, we must prepare the appointment we hope to get and, finally, obtain the meeting or plan the cold visits.

Presentation of the sale message

When we get our first personal contact, we must prepare an appropriate message about our product or service, the advantages it offers over the competition and the benefits it will bring to our customers.

Close or after-sales

The end of this process can be the sale itself, but also the maintenance of the relationship with the customer. This after-sales service ensures their satisfaction and even adds value to our relationship.

With the process already created, we must meticulously document all phases. It is time to overcome laziness and apply a method because this will allow us to improve our sales strategy.

And for that, all the people who participate in the sales process must have the same indications and guidelines to use the CRM. Here are the 5 CRM Hacks that you should know is in a business

1. It must be valuable to commercial agents

The best tool in the world will be useless if users do not use it properly. Commercial agents should see that the CRM provides them with useful information for their work.

So they must participate in its design. Also, you must banish the habits of old school business agents who refuse to share their agenda and their tricks.

They have to understand that CRM gives them visibility in the organization and makes their job easier.

2. Data and more data

Remember that the right CRM must not only record the data of the sales process, but it can also include incidents that the client has had with any other department of the company because it can be important for the commercial work.

3. Account origin

Don’t forget to create a field about the origin of the account, if it came from a mailing campaign, a Google search, a personal contact, a congress or fair, or a cold phone call: you will provide very valuable feedback marketing managers.

4. Include all the documents you consider important

If you include document management to your CRM, you can save a lot of time in locating documents, and you can share them in a safe, direct, and fast way.

5. Make it simple

In addition to being an agile and useful tool, the secret to the success of your CRM will be its simplicity of use.

You already have everything configured and operational: it’s time to get the most out of your CRM. We have already proven its usefulness to improve our sales techniques and to analyze our marketing campaigns, among others. Now it’s time to use it to maintain long-term and personalized relationships with our customers. And for that, we must take advantage of the segmentation capacity that our CRM offers us, and combine it with our commercial skills.

Quick Tips for CRM

Build trust

One of the keys to maintaining a smooth relationship with your customers is trust. Keep it, and you will keep your customers for a long time.

Don’t do unwanted follow-ups

If a person does not want to be contacted, you should not follow up on them, but rather respect their decision.

Speed ​​up the segmentations

Do not limit yourself to creating large groups grouped by age, gender, or occupation: use BigData and the potential of your CRM and segment your client portfolio to the maximum to be able to direct your products and offers with a limited margin of error.

Offer personalized promotions

Take advantage of this segmentation to target a specific customer looking for your product. All studies agree that consumers are more likely to respond to an offer or promotion if it is personalized, and, above all, if it is carried out in real-time.

Get the most out of it!

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