Monday, June 1, 2020

How to Build a Product Review Website without Learning Web Design

There can be many profitable activities that you can do while you’re online. One of which is creating your product review website. A product review website is a simple kind of website that delivers a review of products, goods, and services which are mostly patronized by online consumers. Almost everything that we need is available online. When we need something, we simply go online and search for it. From the newly released gadgets to recently launched service apps – you name it, and the online world has it. 

Due to people’s highly-active online transactions, building your product review website is a great option to generate a good income. Aside from getting multiple freebies after you have written your reviews of those products, it is easy as well to create a review website. 

Experience tells us that the “getting started” part is usually the hardest. But, if you are serious about making it work, you will not be bothered by such a thought. In this article, you will find detailed steps on how to get started with building a product review website. 

Process in Building Up a Product Review Website

Step 1: Explore and Find your Niche

The principal element of a trusted product review website is by specifying the niche that your website is trying to cater to. If your website reviews generic products, potential followers of your website will have a hard time focusing on your reviews. When you are specific on your niche, the clearer your goals are, and the more followers you’ll get. Don’t let your site be known as the “knower of all but an expert of none.” It surely doesn’t sound pleasant. 

“In choosing your niche, one essential consideration to make is your passion and interest. Pick a niche that you are genuinely passionate about. People will trust you if they’ll feel that your words come from your sincerest regard of the products you’re reviewing. Hence, gaining people’s trust will become its most natural result,”says Sam Bourgan, founder of a review portal Newswatch.

Step 2: Get Ideas from Other Product Review Websites 

It’s always good to look up to other successful product review websites and get the right inspiration from them. 

Review websites such as WireCutter, Tom’s Guide, iRunnerblog are an excellent example of a product review website that offers detailed and comprehensive reviews of products that are personally handpicked and tested by its team of expert reviewers. Such dedication of genuinely reviewing products is undoubtedly what makes Wirecutter a highly-trusted product review website.

Step 3: Prepare the Product Review Website

This is the most challenging part of building your product review website because it is where you will put into a reality that dreams of yours of having your product review website. This section will help you with the step-by-step process on how to do so. 

  • Decide the web hosting service and website builders you’d like to use. Make sure to buy a good WordPress hosting that can handle heavy traffic.
  • Once done, set up WordPress
  • Download and install all the necessary plugins like WP Review Pro Login 
  • Finally, choose your domain name. 

Step 4: Make Quality Write-Ups

Your website is now up and ready. So, the next important thing to do is to produce quality write-ups. Write with clarity and substance. People will get interested in your reviews if you know how to communicate your thoughts clearly and precisely. The key to do this is to understand your grammar well and be transparent in sharing your whole experience of the product you’re reviewing. In this way, people will see you as someone trustworthy and not someone who’s just bluffing around. 

Step 5: Time to Market and Monetize

Once you have completed the steps above, you can now market your product review website and start earning. You may try signing up in the Amazon Affiliate Program, and it’s only a matter of time that you can start earning on your product review website.


If you have an eye on the prize, setting up your product review website is very manageable. With strong determination plus a careful understanding of the things to consider, there’s no limit to how successful you can become in this endeavor that you have chosen. 

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