Friday, November 6, 2020

Alexei Orlov: Powering Successful Marketing Teams Across the Globe

Alexei Orlov: Founder Of MTM

Alexei Orlov is a distinguished name in the global marketing domain, and it’s his vast professional achievements that have earned him a renowned reputation. With his expertise in global brand strategy, operational change management, and marketing deployment, Orlov’s industry knowledge seemingly has no bounds. It’s for this reason why he found success in developing his own network of dynamic brand activation agencies. As the founder and CEO of the independent global network of wholly-owned marketing agencies, MTM Choice, Alexei Orlov holds a prominent role at the helm. Through brand activation and media optimization, MTM assists over 120 brands worldwide in truly finding and investing in the “moments that matter.”

Over the years, mtm choice worldwide has seen tremendous growth and wealth. They’ve overseen several acquisitions and have raised over $30 million. While Alexei Orlov has proven his prowess as a leader and entrepreneur, he, like all global leaders, had to get his start somewhere. Before MTM, Alexei Orlov served as the CEO of DAS and RAPP. He was also the CMO of Volkswagen Group China. Volvo Cars, Wunderman, and Avon are some of the other prominent brands Orlov has helped spearhead growth for in the past, and it’s these combined work experiences that primed him for the entrepreneurial leadership role he holds today.

Alexei Orlov and Moments that Matter

Orlov’s inspiration for mtm derived directly from his cultivated professional marketing beliefs. As a strong proponent of appealing to audiences, Orlov has always stressed the importance of making digital moments matter. According to Orlov, if you can’t demonstrate the relevance of or need for your product, your business will inevitably fail. That’s where the idea of creating ‘moments that matter’ came from and why it now sits as the central focus and title for his global marketing firm. Orlov attributes his current professional success to the marketing principles he has learned and upheld throughout his career.

When MTM CEO Alexei Orlov discovered his passion and talent for global marketing, he quickly realized the significance of seizing every advertising opportunity. More importantly, he was made aware of how beneficial it could be to tweak these opportunities accordingly. With a globally effective and customized plan in place, Alexei Orlov has witnessed and learned how efficient his advertising strategies could be. As he and mtm choice continues to grow and diversify, he will undoubtedly adopt new and improved techniques along the way.

Orlov’s Recipe For Success

As a thought leader in the marketing arena, many are keen to pick Orlov’s brain. When asked how he does what he does, the MTM founder states that he doesn’t focus on perfection. Instead, he hones in on his purpose, aligns it with his business ideals, and bring his idea to life. Above all else, Orlov maintains that you can’t get ahead of yourself. Knowing when to take a beat is crucial in entrepreneurial endeavors, and this is a notion that Orlov wholeheartedly subscribes to.

As a seasoned businessman, Alexei Orlov knows how easy it is to blur the line between dreams and reality. He urges all aspiring entrepreneurs to keep this in mind while pursuing their ambitions. Otherwise, he warns that burnout will be the inevitable outcome. Honesty and humility are other important values that Orlov lives by. Without a healthy dose of either, he claims that it’s impossible to “gather pace.”

How the MTM CEO Remains Prosperous

Alexei Orlov’s inquisitive nature is what keeps him afloat. He’s constantly asking questions, and not afraid to look foolish in the process. His thirst for knowledge and quest for answers has provided him so much insight over the years. He also believes that rules were made to be broken. By pushing the envelope and testing boundaries, Orlov has blazed the trail for many to follow in his path.

Overcoming Failure

Alexei Orlov knows how to hold up the great mirror of existence and has a keen sense of self-reflection, which is why he’s in tune with both his strengths and weaknesses. As an entrepreneur, Orlov asserts that his impatience has lent a hand in many failures. He’s grappled with and has come to accept this trait about himself.  He even uses it to his advantage from time to time. Though he can appreciate the power of waiting, Orlov states that his patience often wears thin. This has caused him to jump the gun on many business ideas, but, through positive self-reflection, has come to look at these setbacks as life lessons and was determined to grow from each and every one.

With professional leadership experience that spans 30 years across 40 countries helping over 50 brands in the wake, Alexie Orlov brings a true understanding of the business of marketing and brand strategy and from a uniquely global perspective. His passion for operationally-sound, but creatively nurturing professional environments that begin with and are fueled by smart and excited leadership appears in every team Orlov has trained and educated across his career. mtm choice worldwide’s rapid growth and client success in its first years make a clear statement to the world that they, with Alexei Orlov at the helm, are true innovators and a brand to watch as they continue to lead and shape the industry into the future.

The post Alexei Orlov: Powering Successful Marketing Teams Across the Globe first appeared on Feedster.

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