Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Christmas Celebration tips for the remote project team

Working remotely can certainly have its advantages. No rush hour queues in the morning, you can work in your pyjamas, you can even alter your schedule around things when necessary. It’s all great until we hit the Christmas period and suddenly remote working isn’t quite as fun as it is the rest of the year. No impromptu cake or chocolate at work, no office party or quick Christmas lunch with your colleagues. December might seem pretty un-festive when you are working remotely.

This doesn’t need to be the case, though. When working with a remote team, you should still be able to build relationships with colleagues and even get into the Christmas spirit, you might just need to be a little bit more inventive about how you do it.

Virtual hangouts

Over the pandemic everyone has got used to meeting virtually, whether it’s for work or to celebrate a family birthday. Why not use something like Google Hangouts to have an actual hangout? You could pick a theme or don those silly Christmas jumpers. All you need to do is send an invite and let everyone join in.

Secret Santa

The stalwart of any office celebration is the secret Santa, and there is no need to miss out when you work remotely. Why not do a secret Santa online; there are virtual tools that you can use that work really well for this.

Have a competition

The joys of instant messaging mean that you can spread your Christmas festivities out just that little bit longer. It is in fact the perfect place to hold a Christmas themed competition. Doing it this way encourages participation but doesn’t require much effort or the need to be on camera and can be done when people have time. You could do it on a daily basis for example sending a Christmas themed gift or meme. This can easily be worked into your daily schedule using those project management skills.

Whiteboard agendas

Virtual whiteboards are often used in project manager courses as a tool to show how to get ideas across to remote workers. They can of course be used for things that are not work related. Why not create a virtual whiteboard and ask your remote team members to help create a traditions board, this might include recipes or holiday memories, or simply a look back at silly things that have happened over the years.

Virtual mixtape

Remote working team members often listen to music during the day it helps to create a positive work environment that might be otherwise we devoid of noise. Why not share your favourites from your playlist with each other in order to create a collaborative playlist. It’s a great way to learn a little more about your remote team members by looking at their favourite music and a great way for them to learn about you as well.

The post Christmas Celebration tips for the remote project team first appeared on Feedster.

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