Friday, November 6, 2020

The Impact Of Social Media Has On Children

Social media is extremely popular with younger generations. Over seventy percent of young people have social media. This is an astonishing number given that most of these children have barely reached the age of middle school. Obviously, social media has not been around for a substantial period of time. With there being an increase in the variety of social platforms, it makes it difficult for children to really grasp just how impactful social media is. Moms like Rachel Harow know how important online connections are for their children but are fearful that there could be negative repercussions to this as well. For many preteen and teenagers, staying connected online heavily corresponds with their in-person social groups. Being able to follow their friend on social media is important to them because it’s almost a way of certifying friendship. Of course, this also opens a portal to many aspects of social media that worry parents. 

There are those online that have unjust intentions Many children are subjected to cyberbullying and this can impact their mental health. The exposure children have to dangerous people is heavily out of the parents control. There are advertisements that already start tracking the activity of these young children from their very first login. As they grow older these advertisements will continue tracking them with algorithms that produce content just for specific viewers. This can be frightening because every google search a child makes will somehow be tracked. The sooner they start making online accounts, the worse the harder it will be to grow away from social media. Furthermore, sharing personal information on many accounts isn’t always the best idea for children. The information that they sare can really be damaging in the future. Private family matters can be easily shared online by children who don’t understand what each social media has. It’s unfortunate that many people are handling private matters publicly and don’t refrain from sharing them on social media. So many children have accounts that should be somewhat regulated by guardians of the developers. There is a vast amount of social media users who shouldn’t be on platforms at such a young age.

Social media exposes children and young people to these ideologies about what one should look like and what is socially acceptable to wear. These are ways that social media controls what people do, what people find fashionable, and so much more. Children should not have to worry about such circumstances during their youth. They should be focusing their efforts on having fun and being free from the chains of society. Social media platforms make it difficult to not compare yourself to others. There is more of a competition between people than ever which is why children should be shielded from such chaos. Rachel Harow believes that each parent has a right to govern their own household as they please. Nevertheless, putting the child’s mental health over some silly application is also a debate held in many households. 

The post The Impact Of Social Media Has On Children first appeared on Feedster.

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