Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Rise of Botox Procedures in the Lockdown Era

Botox is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate-to-severe frown lines between the brows in people 18 to 65 years of age. Fortune reports that cosmetic services such as Botox have seen a boom during the Covid-19 pandemic. This boom began even before states started to lift lockdowns. For example, the American Association of Plastic Surgeons found that 49% of people were more open to cosmetic or reconstructive treatment in the near future, and 64% of plastic surgeons had had a rise in telemedicine consultations since prior to the beginning of the lockdowns. Indeed, over the last decade, the industry has grown by 878%.

This unexpected boom in the industry can be ascribed to the “Zoom effect”: people have become more aware of flaws that need correcting, because of the amount of time they spend videoconferencing. Typically, a provider of cosmetic treatments such as dermani MEDSPA, who are the top medical spa in Atlanta for Botox and Cosmetic Injectables, will inject a Botox product like Allergan’s Botox Cosmetic directly into the face. The procedure can leave visible bruising and discoloration and in the era before lockdowns, this acted as a barrier to procedures because people simply could not schedule the downtime to recuperate. The idea of widespread Botox practices was at some point thought of as science fiction, but, with more people working from home, it is easier than at any time in history to schedule even very aggressive Botox procedures and hide away at home while recuperating from Botox procedures. People have been able to undertake procedures which they had wanted to take but had not because they could not get the time necessary to recuperate.

With people more in touch with themselves during the lockdown, the cosmetics surgery business really exploded and the type of procedures changed. Patients are no longer going for quick fixes and impulse procedures, rather they are undertaking those long-wanted procedures such as breast reductions for 40-plus-year-olds, abdominoplasty on mothers with teenagers, and breast implant removals are common consultation topics.

People can become needlessly self-critical and the cosmetics industry and providers of cosmetic treatments try and act ethically and serve their patients responsibly, by steering people away if they are overly self-critical.

With children returning to schools, though the interest has remained high, the amount of time available to undertake procedures has greatly reduced, with many people scheduling procedures for next year when they hope to have more disposable time.

The area under the eyes is an area of particular concern for patients given that we are all wearing masks. Botox Cosmetic offered at dermani MEDSPA can even be used to treat things like Crow’s feet or for under-eye fillers. People want to feel more confident in their own skin, versus wanting to impress other people. The other effect of wearing masks is that people can now work on their noses and or lips, safe in the knowledge that masks will cover that area up during the period of bruising and discoloration.

The demand for Botox treatments will continue to rise for a number of reasons, primarily, that social distancing and mask wearing will continue until a Covid-19 vaccine is developed. Also, because of the rise of telemedicine and remote work, many people will continue to work from home and feel comfortable with consultations via videoconferencing. Indeed, you can expect that if you are having a  Botox procedure, your first meeting with your surgeon will be via videoconferencing. The side-effect of this, according to doctors, is that people feel that their doctors are paying greater attention to them and the quality of service is higher, so they are more likely to decide on a procedure after the first meeting.

More than ever before, Botox treatments are about wellness and therapeutic practices and people are going for more natural looks and aesthetics. The lockdown era has made people more introspective and more desirous of taking care of themselves and Botox procedures help them to achieve that.

The post The Rise of Botox Procedures in the Lockdown Era first appeared on Feedster.

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