Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cloud Computing 101

For business owners, the cloud offers numerous possibilities and opportunities, so it is worth looking into if you haven’t already. But what is the “cloud?” And how do you know if it’s the right decision for you? Well, let’s get acquainted with cloud computing so you can understand the benefits for your business. 

What Is the Cloud?

In this ever-changing business climate, business owners need faster access to the data they hold. Rather than retrieve data from hard drives and other storage devices, they can now use the cloud to get to what they need, right when they need it. In essence, the cloud acts as a remote storage space, thus negating the need for any physical storage.

With cloud computing, business owners can access that data from any device that has an internet connection, be that their computer, phone, or tablet device. All data is stored on a remote server, which is advantageous for many reasons, including a reduction in operating costs and a more secure way to contain sensitive information. This is just one aspect of the cloud, however, as cloud computing allows for other uses.

Types of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing can be deployed in several ways, so it’s worth understanding the different types of cloud deployment services available to you.

These include the following.

Public cloud – This is owned and operated by a third-party cloud service provider, such as Microsoft Azure. The clouding infrastructure, including the hardware and software, are managed by the cloud provider. You can access such a cloud service through your web browser.

Private cloud – While you can pay a third-party service provider to host a private cloud for your business, you might also choose to physically locate the cloud’s infrastructure on your premises. 

Hybrid cloud – A hybrid cloud can give your business greater flexibility and more deployment options, as you can allow data and applications between the public cloud you use and the private cloud you have set up for your business. 

There are various types of cloud services at your disposal and these are dependent on your workplace needs. These are categorized into three main groups:

  • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) – primarily used for Internet-based access to storage
  • Platform as a service (PaaS) – primarily used to give you the tools needed to build and host web applications
  • Software as a service (SaaS) – primarily used to host and manage software applications

To learn more about the types of cloud computing, consult with managed cloud services for advice and support. 

Uses of Cloud Computing

There are many ways to use cloud computing. As examples, you can…

  • Store and backup your files
  • Use the web to provide a specific service
  • Test and build your own applications
  • Communicate more efficiently with your customers and employees

Which is all easily accessible to your employees.

The Benefits to Your Business

Why should you use cloud computing? Well, you may have grasped some of the benefits already, but here are the main advantages.

  • Access the information you need from any device
  • Share data with any client and employee with an internet-capable device
  • Eliminate the cost of buying storage hardware and remove the expenses needed for hosting your own data centre
  • Enjoy greater peace of mind with the security options provided by third-party cloud providers
  • Have a backup for all of your data

These are just a few of the benefits but speak to a managed cloud service provider for more information. 


There are many ways of using cloud computing in your business, with a whole range of benefits. So, if you haven’t considered the possibility of cloud computing before, perhaps now is the time to talk to a managed service provider to find out how managed IT security can bolster your business.  

The post Cloud Computing 101 first appeared on Feedster.

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