Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Essential Sales Skill Training: Online Solutions

It takes many years of experience to become a top sales consultant, as you learn the essential interpersonal skills that are the difference between a close and another wasted opportunity and there are specialised sales training providers who deliver results.

Sales Training Solutions

There are, of course, many aspects of the selling profession and in order to bring your team up to scratch, you can arrange Optima sales & management training, carried out by industry professionals. The following aspects are included in the training:

  • Closing techniques – When to comes to the crunch, closing the deal is everything and skills such as developing a likeable personality, overcoming objections, asking the right questions and use of persuasive vocabulary. The course also spends time on creating a sales pitch that is suitable for the client, which involves personality analysis. Click here for more tips on closing the sale, which might prove to be invaluable to your team.
  • Sharpen Negotiating Skills – This course involves roleplay and put the student into situations where they must adapt and be able to successfully negotiate a deal. The DEAL technique is, D-defend your initial position, E-ensure customer commitment, A-advance through mutual concessions and finally, L-limit your effort and secure the sale.
  • Customer Centricity – This involves nurturing the relationship by taking control of the customer experience, while generating empathy as with a friend. Learn how to identify the customer’s needs and concerns and exceed customer expectations by going that extra mile. Other areas covered include seeing things from the customer’s perspective, understanding their needs at a deep level and developing acute listening skills.
  • Sales Team Management – If you have key players who manage their own team, they need to engage in sales management content, along with developing self-confidence in new team members. There is an obvious need to motivate sales staff and this can be done in a number of ways, depending on the person. Training to remain positive regardless is also very beneficial and this can be transferred to other team members, which is an essential part of sales team management.
  • Key Account Management – We all have certain clients who are very important and the training course includes techniques to develop and protect high-revenue customers. There are also strategies for identifying key customers, which are included in the course.
  • Developing a Winning Mindset – Research tells us that people with a positive mental attitude perform the best in a sales position and there are training courses that help people to see the bright side of everything.

Online Learning

Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, you can have the course delivered by professionals in a video conference session, which allows the trainer to interact with the students, plus it is cheaper if the trainer is remotely located, while your sales team are in a meeting room, ready for the call. You get to choose the times and days of the training sessions, which allows you to organise your salespeople into groups.

Features with Distance Learning

While getting together in a real-time virtual environment, you can take advantage of the following features:

  • Record the meeting for later review.
  • Share and update files in real time.
  • Use of virtual whiteboard.
  • Video and audio communication.
  • Split screen options.

The trainer would be the one that hosts the video conference and they would invite all of the participants to join the call. All users would have their mic enabled on their laptop or PC and, of course, would have video too.

Teambuilding Activities

If you are looking for unique ways to develop that essential team spirit, look no further than the online sales training provider, who can tailor activities to suit your business. Many offer downloadable packages that contain everything you need to deliver the content, with printouts and step by step instructions on how best to deliver the course.

Training Sales Managers

If you have a global network of sales teams, you can arrange for virtual sales management training from the online sales training provider. Everything that is normally delivered in a training session can be done using video conference technology and with key people in different parts of the world, you can arrange real-time meetings and training sessions. The managers can then implement what they have learned, which will benefit each and every salesperson and collectively, teams will reach their sales targets.

Tailored to Suit

When you approach a sales training provider, they would assess your needs and then put together what they regard as an effective training program. Of course, there are many types of sales, and whether you run a large team of direct salespeople or service a specific sector, your training needs to be focused on aspects that are relevant to your industry.

If you would like to talk to an online sales training provider, start with a Google search that will bring up a list of websites and see what they have on offer regarding online training programs.

The post Essential Sales Skill Training: Online Solutions first appeared on Feedster.

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