Tuesday, February 2, 2021

A Quick Guide to SEO for Entrepreneurs

If you are an entrepreneur who has recently started a blog or created a website, it’s likely that you’ve heard of SEO, or search engine optimization, and it’s the key to being found online. No matter how good your blog or products are, their true value lies in being discovered. There are few different ways to optimize your website if you want to be discovered. Here is a quick guide if you are a beginner: 

What Is SEO? 

SEO helps to increase the quantity and quality of traffic, along with organic results for your site. In other words, it helps the search engine suggest your site whenever people search for certain terms or products related to it. The search engine you use gathers information once a query has been made. The information is brought back and built into an index, and fed through an algorithm that matches the data to what was searched. If your website is not optimized according to this algorithm, it will be much more difficult for the search engine to recommend it to different queries that can come up. 

For example, when you search “football” in Google, the webpage results are recommended because of SEO. Use of the word “football” in the webpage, your location, and domain name all impact SEO and the sites that are recommended to you. 

The Basics of SEO 

If you want your website found, you need to know the basics of search engine optimization. If you’re a beginner, you can begin by selecting an SEO-friendly domain name. The biggest tip for a domain name is one that directly relates to the product or service you offer. If you’re selling chess sets, try and include “chess sets” in the domain. For example, “SuperChessSets.com” would be better than “MyOnlineStore.com.”

From there, create content. Make sure that all of your content and pages are optimized for certain keywords. Keyword optimization is the easiest way to optimize your site. For all the content, include links to anchor text. Using our previous example, you can make a homepage, blog posts, and sales pages dedicated to chess sets exclusively. These pages will be the content that the search engine finds. Make sure to use the keyword “chess sets” in all your pages for optimization. 

You can further optimize your sites by making “wooden chess sets” a secondary keyword. The more specialized your keyword to your product, the better off you will be. Additionally, anchor links to reputable sources in your post. You might want to link to the United States Chess Federation, for example, since that site includes reputable information about the game. These links show that your site is educated and informative on the topic. However, make sure that you don’t link to your competitor’s website. The last thing you want is to send your customers somewhere else for the same product. 

One thing that you must keep in mind is that search engines have rules and conditions for rankings. Any violations are considered black hat SEO. Black hat search engine optimization can include keyword stuffing, duplicate content, clickbait, irrelevant keywords, and link buying. Of these examples, keyword stuffing can be the most difficult to figure out. You need to find the balance between offering enough keywords but not so many that it hurts your rankings. Though there is no hard-and-fast rule, it is best to shoot for a 1% to 3% keyword density rating

How Can I Make SEO Easy? 

If you want to improve your SEO, you can always do it yourself, but if you find yourself struggling, you may want to hire some top SEO companies to do the work for you. These companies will optimize your site and content so that your website is found. 

Using a different company will be especially helpful if you have to master multiple types of search engine optimization, such as local SEO. Different types exist to serve various functions and enhance query types. For example, local SEO helps real people near you find your services, while on-page SEO optimized keywords for general searches around the globe. Since different types have various standards and expectations, hiring professionals to do the job for you will make it much easier. Here are the main types of SEO: 

  • On-page 
  • Off-page
  • Technical 
  • Local 
  • App store
  • YouTube 

The most successful sites use more than one type of SEO. For example, a barber shop near you will most likely use on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and local SEO. Make sure your site can be found by using multiple types of SEO. 


SEO is key for making sure your website is found. While beginners can get themselves started using this guide, you may want to consider hiring a professional company to do the job for you. This helps make sure that your website is found by potential customers and optimized correctly.

The post A Quick Guide to SEO for Entrepreneurs first appeared on Feedster.

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