Wednesday, June 9, 2021

7 Employees with Skills That Can Help Grow Your Company

Every business owner kickstarts their career with dreams of becoming successful and turning their brand into a household name. However, that is easier said than done. Initially, companies often have only two or three people working hard to make things work. But, managing the business becomes challenging over time.

Therefore, business owners need to hire professionals during the early stages to ensure that their business runs smoothly. It is worth mentioning that most successful firms prefer to hire an excellent support system in the form of specialized experts that can help in improving business performance while expanding their operations. Following are seven employees with skills that you can hire for your business’s growth.

  1. Marketing Executive: Gone are the days of advertisements and print media. Nowadays, businesses hire marketing experts to promote their brands. While the duties of marketing executives vary according to the industry, their primary aim is to attract potential clients or customers for increased sales. They are further responsible for planning marketing campaigns, promotional activities, creating and implementing various ideas and strategies to attract the target market, etc. These experts help businesses grow by applying complex strategies.

Sincemarketing is a vital part of any modern business, so hiring a marketing executive is mandatory for success. However, individuals that wish to develop their career in marketing can opt for a degree in marketing. Certain institutes offer flexible admission criteria and do not require Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) scores during admission. If you’re a working professional, we would suggest you to prefer an online MBA no GMAT degree from a reputable institute.

  • Financial Analysts: Once businesses start to expand, billing and managing business finances get more complicated. While small companies can manage accounting software, growing firms have to hire experts for invoicing. These trusted advisors consult on strategic decisions for long-term growth. They also write reports to illustrate the financial status of the company and collect data for financial forecasting. They are vital for business growth as they build financial models to assess the return on investments.

Financial analysts evaluate past results to identify trends and recommend improvements. They also coordinate with the accountancy department for financial reporting. Therefore, companies should hire financial analysts to make better business decisions. Candidates with advanced education such as a master business online degree and a minimum of 5 years of work experience can work as financial analysts.

  • Cybersecurity Expert: Unfortunately, most companies consider ensuring cybersecurity measures as additional business expenses. However, with the rise in the use of online platforms, several companies are now adopting online business models to expand their customer base. This makes their data vulnerable to theft due to cyber activities, ultimately affecting their business’s performance.

Companies that hire cybersecurity experts can protect critical assets such as their client’s information from potential hackers. These experts are responsible for planning, designing, and implementing cloud computing policies. Consumers are also wary of digital services that do not have a secure connection. Even business partners prefer firms with proper security measures in place. Therefore, a cybersecurity expert can help businesses grow while securing investments. Students with a degree in IT and relevant work experience of two years or more can apply for this position.

  • Human Resource Specialist: As your business grows, so will the responsibility. While handing payroll and other tasks is not an issue for small businesses, growing companies need to hire relevant individuals to perform these tasks. These specialists are accountable for specific human resource work, including recruiting, firing, training and development, managing employee issues, etc. These experts liaise between employees and their managers to resolve disputes and plan strategies that can help in employee productivity. Students with a bachelor’s degree in human resources can apply for this position.
  • Content Strategist: Nowadays, marketing is a complicated game. Small to mid-sized businesses cannot rely on amateurs for their marketing strategy. Therefore, it is vital to hire a content strategist. A content strategist generally creates your inbound marketing strategy. These professionals work with social media managers to create and deploy content for promotional campaigns.

Content strategists research the customer base to understand the target audience. They also shape the narrative and create compelling content. Companies prefer to hire candidates with a bachelor’s degree in English, journalism, or communications and approximately five years of relevant work experience.

  • Project Managers: As companies grow, they have several plans in the pipelines. Without direction, most projects may not meet their deadlines. So, project managers help companies focus on their priorities and define objectives. Project managers make sure everything runs smoothly, and all the work processes are completed within the set timelines. Competent project managers possess excellent communication skills and leadership capabilities. They also have to schedule meetings with stakeholders and communicate with senior management. Employees often set unrealistic goals with overly optimistic predictions. A project manager can bring these ideas back to reality with cost estimation and resource management. Furthermore, project managers reduce project costs by optimizing resources.
  • Social Media Manager: Unfortunately, a business owner has limited time to complete all their tasks. Therefore, managing social media accounts may be impossible for them. Companies hire social media managers to manage tasks related to online marketing. They are usually creative individuals who can increase consumer engagement through innovative strategies. They also improve SEO to maximize traffic to company websites. That is not all – social media managers analyze the effectiveness of their social media strategy.

Most of the growing companies ensure to have an online presence and hire qualified social media managers who can handle the pressure. Students with a degree in communications or marketing are excellent for this position.


Hiring for growth means choosing specific people with professional degrees. Since every position requires a unique skill set and specialized degrees, it is impossible to hire experts who can handle everything. Business owners of growing companies have to focus on significant decisions that affect future growth. They cannot waste their time on managerial tasks. So, it is necessary to delegate some important matters to skilled people.

The post 7 Employees with Skills That Can Help Grow Your Company first appeared on Feedster.

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