Wednesday, June 9, 2021

How Intelligent Searching Boosts Enterprise Digital Transformation

During these pandemic-economic times, the ability to successfully compete will depend on the value-added an organization could deliver to both their customers and their employees. To unlock this purpose, you will need insights into your business and customers, and this is where Intelligent Searching can assist. Using intelligent searching, data analytics, automation, and artificial intelligence will support you to do precisely that. Via an intelligent searching framework, they are the solutions to a successful digital transformation.

Information is critical in today’s busy world. Both customers and employees depend upon immediate access to the correct information and at the right time too. However, the abundance of data within an organization means attaining what you need might take time and can be no simplistic task.

The following three insights can assist in ensuring your approach to searching provides the necessary intelligence required to satisfy the demands of your end-users:

1. Clarify and Simplify

It’s common for most organizations to have petabytes of information that require detailed searching. Given that the majority of end-users type a single word or two into a search text box, it can be challenging to find the most suitable responses. There are numerous ways to simplify access to the multitude of search result query sets to make it swifter and more straightforward so as to find the correct results.

Firstly, your intelligent search engine must leverage data exceeding the actual words that were typed into a search box. Consider information such as your competitor’s newly released product, their location, purchasing history, or other relevant factors; the intelligent search engine can instantly simplify the result set into a fraction of the available and searched content.

Secondly, an intelligent search ‘tagging’ hierarchy is crucial to simplify the end-user experience so as to find the information they require from a large repository of search results. Tags and tagging permit the end-user to immediately filter results by content product, type, topic, or other pertinent categories relevant to the end-user and their searching need.

Isometric speech recognition, intelligent personal assistant created concept. Voice recognition vector illustration.

2. Regenerate and Modernize

Although the evolution of technology has evolved, search engines have mostly remained the same: providing a webpage with a search dialogue box and an eventual list of outcomes. Intelligent search engines need a modernized approach to utilize the available technological advances. For example, all searching capabilities should be made available via an API so that users can search for results outside of a particular search page.

End-users today want to search for answers through smart devices or via an IVR, and not just simply using a website. Additionally, consumers (especially millennials) would rather communicate with a virtual assistant than a simple search box. Consequently, search results should be available within a virtual assistant to enable customers to experience a more conversational contact experience.

Organizations must adopt a modernized approach to find exactly where useful results can be found. Sources such as online communities and certain social media content comprise valuable information otherwise unavailable from conventional content origins. Intelligent searching should—and does—incorporate results from social media sources, as well as contemporary and traditional knowledge commodities and other content.

3. Always Automate

Still, the most reliable search engines require human interaction to successfully deliver what they are seeking. Automation has reduced manual effort with almost every aspect of our daily lives. Via automation, an intelligent search engine can attain results without the end-user required to perform a search.

Automation can be achieved in different ways:

Meaning: by understanding the meaning of the information obtained by the end-user, an intelligent search engine can foretell what additional information is required. For example, if a client owns a particular product and a recent upgrade to that product line has been reported as creating errors with that latest model, the end-user is likely scanning for a remedy to this issue.

Similar Content: if an end-user looks for a specific section of content, the intelligent search engine can suggest other information that may be applicable without requiring the end-user to search for it manually.

Monitoring: intelligent search engines can even monitor or ‘listen’ to real-time conversations so as to interpret and recommend further content. Suppose business partners are having a conversation concerning a recent successful deal that occurred. In this scenario, the intelligent search engine can monitor or listen for particular words within the discussion and use them as a trigger to automatically display information relevant to the communication.


Intelligent search, powered by AI technology, eliminates inefficiency and helps customers and employees find the information they need speedily and smoothly. End-users can use intelligent searching to extract information from various sources – both internal and external to their organization and in data sets regardless of the format.

The post How Intelligent Searching Boosts Enterprise Digital Transformation first appeared on Feedster.

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