Wednesday, June 9, 2021

How to Grill the Perfect Steak

Summer is here and that means it’s time to get outside and turn on the grill. You may want to cook for your family members or have guests over and impress them by cooking up a delicious steak dinner.

In either case, you want your steak to be cooked to perfection so it’s tender and enjoyable. Learn how to grill the perfect steak so you can ensure that your meal turns out the way you envisioned and will be delicious and satisfying.

Choose Your Steak Wisely

Your first step in grilling the perfect steak is to start with a great cut of meat. There are a lot of different cuts and options that each produce a unique tenderness and flavor. You will feel more comfortable customizing steak cuts as you gain more experience choosing and grilling them over time. It’s wise to choose your beef that’s of the highest quality and to stick to the greatest hits. Below are a few options worth considering:

·         Filet Mignon: Very mild flavor and one of the more tender cuts.

·         New York Strip: A firmer texture and a well-marbled steak.

·         T-Bone: A big and Iconic “T” shaped bone in the middle.

·         Top Sirloin: Naturally lean.

·         Ribeye: The most marbling, and richest in flavor.

Talk to your butcher if you have questions and remember to focus on quality.

Preparing Your Steaks for the Grill

You can grill the perfect steak by thawing steaks in the refrigerator overnight if possible. If you’re in a rush then put vacuum-sealed frozen steaks under cold water for about 20 minutes to safely thaw them. You don’t have to but can bring your steaks to room temperature before grilling them by placing them on the countertop 30 minutes before you put them on the grill. Keep in mind that the colder they are the longer they’ll need to cook.

Take the Time to Season Them

Seasoning is your friend when it comes to knowing how to grill the perfect steak. Keep it easy and go with the butcher’s favorite which is simple sea salt and black pepper. Season your steak about 30 minutes before they go on the grill and don’t be shy about it. Give it some time to soak in and create more flavor. Next time around you may want to try rubbing a little olive oil on your steak or using steak seasoning or rub.

Grilling Your Steak

Next, you’ll want to prepare your grill and get it ready for your steak. Be glad to know you can use a charcoal or gas grill to complete the job. Get your grill nice and hot before adding your steak to it. It’s best to leave it alone as it grills and to flip it once when it’s just over halfway done (at about 60 percent of the total cooking time). How “done” you want the steak is determined by the internal temperature of the beef. Medium rare is best according to most butchers which is between 130-140F.

Experiment and Make Adjustments

These are some of the best tips you can use for Texas grilling and getting your steaks done to perfection. Have fun with it and remember you can always make adjustments for next time once you get the hang of it. Most importantly, enjoy your meal and be proud of yourself for taking on the challenge.

The post How to Grill the Perfect Steak first appeared on Feedster.

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