Thursday, June 3, 2021

Should College Athletes Get Paid?  

That goes into college sports, and all of the adults are getting paid—everyone, except for the players. There is much talk about if athletes should get paid a full salary. Many argue that student-athletes are paid through full scholarships, and although that is partially true, does it go into the athletes’ pocket?

The average college scholarship averages around $18,000, which doesn’t fully cover out-of-state tuition and fees at a public school or the cost of attending a private school. This means that many college athletes are receiving an entire scholarship ride.

Reasons Why Athletes Should Be Paid

They make cash for the Schools

Athletes make their colleges millions of dollars, so shouldn’t they get a portion of the money. This argument has become very accurate, especially for basketball and football players who make a name for themselves during the season. Although everyone else gets paid, college athletes don’t receive anything. To many individuals, this situation is jaded and is seen as a form of exploitation.

Athletes Give the Schools Exposure

When a student becomes well-known, they boost the applications and donations that the schools receive. A study proved that when a football team rises in fame, the college or university will increase applications by 19%. This is also applied when a team improves and wins five games in a season, and donations will increase by 28%.

Sports Takes Away From The Education

Being on any sports team takes a lot of time and commitment, cutting into the student’s time for classes. So how is a student a student-athlete if they aren’t able to study? Wouldn’t a form of compensation make this an easier compromise to make?

Athletes Need Money To Spend

Like all college students, athletes need to spend money on extracurricular activities. Although an athlete may receive a full scholarship, this doesn’t allow them to have extra money for entertainment or their needs. If a student can receive or hold a part-time job, where will they make money?

Compensation For a Potential Injury

Many athletes have the risk of getting an injury and deserve fair pay. Seriously injured college athletes could lose their scholarship and jeopardize the opportunity to play professionally. The student deserves to potentially earn millions, depending on if they suffer from a lifelong injury.

Reasons Why Athletes Should Not Be Paid

Athletes Receive A Scholarship

One of the main arguments that Diego Ruiz Duran has argued is that they already receive a college scholarship. But as discussed, this can easily be argued with.

Determining Pay Could Be Messy

Determining who gets paid and how much could become quite a conundrum. This could become chaotic and reduce team morale.

Secondary Sports Could Suffer

If universities did decide to pay the athletes, then where would they get the money from? People argue that this would take away from other teams, while the primary sport would be getting more attention. Diego Ruiz Duran has said that he thinks that student-athletes shouldn’t be paid until they have become professionals.

The post Should College Athletes Get Paid?   first appeared on Feedster.

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