Friday, July 2, 2021

5 Steps To Create Your Own Affiliate Marketing Blog

If wishes were horses, then anybody who owns a journal, some kind of computer and could scribble the famous abstract ‘dear reader’ on a blog site could call himself a blogger!

But being a good affiliate marketer puts you in the place of being able to write convincing content while constantly giving your readers an interesting read.

You would have to start from somewhere, but if you start right, then it wouldn’t be as challenging as it seems. You would love to see these easy steps to help you start out. 

1. Choose your blog’s niche

You could become an affiliate and promote products that you don’t really like but it not recommendedand not a good strategy. Not choosing the right niche is one of the top 5 reasons why affiliate marketers fail. It is more fun and inspiring to write about products or services that intrigue you.

The aim is not to discourage you from introducing new products to buyers but you should want to go into a market that promises longevity and steers you away from a point where your blog has zero audience.

But again, make sure it’s something that appeals to your desires. Writing should be your happy place.

2. Identify your target audience

After choosing your niche or market segment, you would have to narrow your audience range. Ideally, since you would be writing around topics and products that allure you, you may have an idea about the group of people who might like what you like and automatically be interested in the topics your blog would revolve around.

If you have good knowledge about your audience, you can create content that is valuable and tailored to their needs and choose the right diction to develop effective marketing communication strategies. Then you can connect well with your readers, communicate what you want, how you want or even better!

3. Select a suitable blogging platform

Now, to the issue of blogging itself, this should be your ‘hashtag’ number one priority. Blogger preferences are allowed to vary. You are not required to choose a platform that is on the lips of everybody.

Different blogging platforms have been designed for specific niches and you are entitled to choose one that you are very comfortable with. Just choose a good one, consider cost, integration and customization and most importantly consider yourself as a beginner and start out as one. One step at a time should work.

4. Designing your blog

The first tip is to keep your domain name short, memorable and easy to spell out. You should use the right extensions, in case you do not have any ideas, don’t go for anything queer. The cliché ‘.com’ would play a good role.

Though you might want your blog to stand out, keep it simple enough to not be kicked out of sight. Ideally, a maximum of three well-contrasted colors and three font sizes is all you need. Your blog design should be goal driven, focused on the target audience and primarily ensures that texts and images that should stand out creatively stand out.

5. Creating blog content

For going through the bustle of everything you’ve done to get here, your content deserves to be concise, crunchy and convincing.

Preferably, write about products and services you have used yourself and strive to write professionally. Being truthful would definitely grow your audience.

As a heads up, ensure that your affiliate links are perceptible and clickable. Use side bars and visuals to enhance communication.


That was one for the novices seeking to do it right! Now you could start out a life away from grumpy Monday mornings and a suit and tie. Share your thoughts with love, make some money and have a good time whilst at it.

About the Author

Res Marty is a movie lover who strongly believes in the beauty of being able to earn money online whilst working from home and for whoever shares the same ideas, he would love to help you through your journey to attaining financial freedom.

The post 5 Steps To Create Your Own Affiliate Marketing Blog first appeared on Feedster.

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