Monday, July 12, 2021

Why Do Some Dogs Vomit White Foam: Is It a Normal Thing?

Seeing a dog vomit can be a concerning sight, especially for loving pet owners. And the picture can be made even more concerning when you see your dog vomiting white foam.

Many reasons can cause this, and while some of them will give you no reason to worry, others will.

So, in this article, we look at some of the reasons why dogs vomit white foam and what you can do in the event it happens.

Read on to learn more.

Why Is My Dog Vomiting White Foam?

Before we look at what you should do if your dog vomits white foam, we need to see why this happens in the first place.

So, why do dogs vomit white foam?

Most of the time, a dog vomiting white foam could just mean they ate something they shouldn’t have. If your dog is an explorer or spends a lot of time wandering, this could be the case. If you see your dog vomit white foam once and then go back to normal, then there’s no real reason to worry. They could have just eaten some grass or rotten food while they were alone.

However, if you notice that your pet has thrown up more than once within 24 hours, this could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Frequent vomiting is something you should pay close attention to, as it could indicate a serious health issue.

Some of the most common causes for frequent vomiting in dogs include:

  • Acid reflux
  • Indigestion
  • Gastrointestinal inflammation
  • Pancreatitis
  • Exposure to toxins
  • Infectious diseases
  • Rabies (though this is very rare)
  • Bloat (a medical emergency and would require a visit to the vet immediately)

These are just some of the health conditions that could result in your dog throwing up, but they are not all the causes.

A lot of materials such as grass and plants can be challenging for dogs to digest. And a lot of the time, this is what causes the white foam to appear in a dog’s vomit. This is because gastric juices stir in their stomach, which causes it to get foamy. The same thing can happen when your dog eats toxins or anything they shouldn’t.

Another cause of white foamy vomit is Kennel Cough. Kennel Cough is a respiratory disease that can affect a lot of different dogs. Frequently, what may appear to be white foamy vomit is phlegm as well as other fluids expelled from the respiratory system.

If you suspect that your dog threw up a white foamy vomit, it’s always best to observe them so you can gather more information. Is your dog heaving? Or does your dog retch and cough before spitting up the white foam?

Either way, you’ll probably end up having to bring your dog to the vet. But understanding more about your dog’s symptoms will make it easier to get an accurate diagnosis.

What Should I Do If My Dog Vomits White Foam?

As we mentioned earlier, if your dog only vomited once and appeared fine afterward, there’s no reason to worry. It probably just means that your dog ate some grass or something else they shouldn’t have and have to expel it.

Other times, it could be because your dog ate too fast or drank too much water, causing them to regurgitate.

However, if you notice that your dog has thrown up more than once within 24 hours, it means they have to go to the vet. Frequent vomiting can be a symptom of many other health complications and issues, so the sooner they’re brought to the vet, the better.

Before bringing them to the vet, observe how your dog is acting. Take note if they are looking lethargic and other details that you can relay to the vet, making it easier for them to make a proper diagnosis.

How To Treat Vomiting In Dogs

Upon bringing your pet to the vet, the first step they will take is conducting a thorough examination of your pet. This involves looking into their medical history, allergies, and whether or not they have been exposed to toxins.

Furthermore, your vet may also require an X-ray and other diagnostic tests for your dog. This doesn’t happen all the time, but it could if your pet requires further testing. This could be in the form of blood tests, urine tests, and ultrasounds as well.

Once they have a proper diagnosis, the vet will recommend the appropriate treatment for your dog. Usually, they will be given anti-nausea and gastric protectants. If your dog frequently vomits, vets will usually administer initial doses via injection so your pet doesn’t throw it up.

If your pet’s condition is serious and they are dehydrated, they may need hospitalization and frequent intravenous medical dosing.

The process is usually different for every pet since there can be many reasons they are throwing up.

How To Prevent My Dog From Vomiting

There are a couple of things you can do to prevent your dog from vomiting. After all, prevention is usually better than a cue.

Firstly, make sure to keep your pet away from anything they shouldn’t chew or eat. Also, make sure they eat a healthy diet and stay away from your plants, as eating plants would upset their stomach.

Remember, some dogs will eat just about anything they see on the floor. So, any objects that could upset your dog’s stomach should be kept away from reach as much as possible.

Annual trips to the vet are also recommended to keep a proper tab on your animal’s health. It could also help if you take them out for regular exercise to keep their body healthy and active.

With all that said, it’s also important to remember that sometimes dogs can get sick. Sometimes, illnesses occur for no reason, and they can be unavoidable.

So, the next time you see your dog throwing up white foam, remember not to panic. Many things could cause them, and most of the time, it will go away after a day.

But if ever you feel that there is something more serious going on, or you notice your dog is frequently vomiting, then that means it’s time to contact your vet and schedule an appointment as soon as possible.

The post Why Do Some Dogs Vomit White Foam: Is It a Normal Thing? first appeared on Feedster.

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