Thursday, September 30, 2021

Money Matters 101: Don’t Be Afraid to Spend Your Money

So many people go through life thinking that they have to wait for the right moment to get themselves what they want. They wait for the perfect occasion to treat themselves to a nice meal or buy the thing they’ve been eyeing for far too long. In short, people almost always need a reason before they allow themselves to live their lives.

While this can be seen as a more practical approach to managing personal finances, especially for people who don’t have much money to spend, it can also hinder them from experiencing everything that life has to offer. It can happen subconsciously or intentionally, depending on their financial state.

But life is fleeting. Sooner or later, you will miss out on the opportunity to try something just because you were afraid to spend a little money. It’s understandable if you have other mouths to feed besides your own, but never allowing yourself to spend your hard-earned money can lead to future regrets.

There’s never a right time to allow yourself to be happy. If what can make you happy costs some money, then go ahead and spend your money because you can always earn it back later on. Don’t be so afraid of spending money that you hold yourself back from feeling the joy that comes with it. In fact, here’s how you can start:

Allow Yourself to Buy What You Need and Want

Not everyone comes from money. Most people weren’t born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but that never stopped them from chasing after their dreams and aspirations. It may take you a long time to get what you want because you still have to save up for it, but at least there’s a possibility of it happening.

So if you want or need to buy something, take a look at your finances and see how it can fit into your budget without sacrificing your quality of life. Instead of dismissing the thought of buying something expensive outright, compute how much you need money you need to save and for how long.

For instance, you’ve been wanting to get yourself a bespoke desktop PC for a while now because the old laptop you’re using is just hanging on by a thread. You have the ability to realize that dream; if you only allow yourself to spend your hard-earned money. Besides, considering how hard you’ve been working, you know you deserve it.

Spend Money on Experiences Instead of Material Things

Things can get broken or lost over time, but memories are forever. If you’re not fond of spending money on material things, you could always spend it on once-in-a-lifetime experiences. You can travel to other countries, treat your palate to world-renowned dishes, or experience walking on the seafloor.

Spending money doesn’t always have to be grand. It could be as simple as buying yourself a bicycle so you can go out every morning and feel the wind on your face. Or it could be allowing yourself to attend the concert of your favorite band because you’ve been dreaming about seeing them live since you were a kid.

If you’re worried about spending your money on useless things, then stop yourself from shopping online and putting random stuff into your cart. Instead, you can save every penny you can spare and wait until you have something or somewhere you want to spend it on.

Use Your Money to Make Others Happy

Don’t believe it when people say that money can’t buy happiness. Of course, you can’t walk up to a store and ask to buy happiness at a certain price, but you can use the money to make other people happy. This, in turn, can make you happy. So really, money can buy happiness, just not directly.

If you feel guilty about spending money on yourself, include other people to join you in the experience. You could buy something that your entire family could use for your day-to-day living, or you can treat your friends on a fun night out when you’re all feeling cooped up in your own homes.

Another way you can spend money for other people is that if you donated money to charity. It could even be an anonymous donation if you don’t want anyone to know that it was you. The point is that you may not want to spend money on yourself, but other people will gladly come along with you if you only asked.

So don’t hinder yourself from spending your money. You weren’t put on this earth to simply work day-in and day-out without rest. It can be difficult to accept that nothing in life is free, but if you had the money to spend and you know you can afford it, why would you keep hindering yourself from what makes you happy?

The post Money Matters 101: Don’t Be Afraid to Spend Your Money first appeared on Feedster.

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