Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Why Following Your Passion is Vital to Success

Passion may be an emotion, but when backed with action, it will eventually lead to success. Passion can be synonymous with grit, determination, and staying power since when you love what you do, you’ll still do it even though it is accompanied by some things you are not excited about or even hate.  

Following your passion can be tough, and you can be mocked or even questioned by people, but no one can take it away from you if you hold on to it. 

The Journey of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, the founder of the most successful smartphone brand we have today once shared his journey in a commencement address. He started working with his friend at his parents’ garage when he was 20. It was a success, and when he was 30, they finally released Macintosh—their finest creation. 

Then they hired a new person to run Apple alongside him, and it went well until they had a falling out and the board of directors sided with the former.

Steve was publicly thrown out from the company he founded. But after some time, he got up and realized that he still loves what he did. So he started new companies: Pixar and NeXT. Apple eventually bought NeXT, and he returned to Apple. He started with passion, got thrown despite it, yet managed to get back up again because of it. 

But… I’m not Steve Jobs.

I understand. Not everyone is lucky enough to have found their passion at such a young age, and most of us probably got some funny stories on how we ended up choosing our majors. But if you really want to learn how to stay the course, you must love what you do or at least the result. Finding your passion can be a matter of trial and error.

Try new things, and you’ll see what works for you and what doesn’t. Yes, it can be frustrating, but you will eventually find your place on earth. Yes, you may not invent the next big thing, but you can still triumph at what you do.

Passion at work

We have seen an increase in people shifting to online careers even before the pandemic. Let’s take a look at some and see passion at work.

Most people want to be successful at freelancing since they can pursue their passion, have a work-life balance, and be free from the usual hassle 9 to 5 jobs entail. However, this is a broad field, and individuals still need to narrow down and find the services they could offer; what they are passionate about.

Blogging is the most ideal low-cost, high-return business out there since you will only shell out money for domain registration—which is sometimes free—plus monthly web hosting. You will read a lot of advice telling you to pick a niche that is in line with your passion, and in a matter of months or years, you would eventually find yourself earning bucks while doing what you love. 

Graphic designing is also an appealing career path, especially for those with artistic inclinations. However, this field also has several categories you need to choose from, so you better decide what you like best and which you can earn from.

Vlogging is just as broad as freelancing. You have to niche down. It can also be a great channel to do what you love since its doors are open to any topic or field as long as it is within the community standards. Love sewing, plants, editing, interior design, architecture, law, writing, music, speaking, or foreign languages?

You can share your passion through making YouTube videos. Plus, you will also learn other skills alongside which will make the entire process even better because you are growing.

If you decide to pursue freelancing or vlogging, remember to find the best online backup system for your important small business files and documents, as well as other tools to help you succeed in your chosen field. Passion must also come with a plan.

At the end of the day, regardless of society’s standard, success is still subjective and will depend on individual values and aspirations. But it is safe to say that loving what you do and doing what you love is included in any person’s success definition. Every job or project can take several months or years before we can actually see great results.

The key to staying and succeeding at whatever endeavor is passion. Find it, foster it, and hold on to it. As Rancho of the movie Three Idiots once said “follow your passion and success will chase you.”

The post Why Following Your Passion is Vital to Success first appeared on Feedster.

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