Professional investors also lose their money in HYIPs (High Yield Investment Programs). Beginners too can’t avoid losses. You also need to understand that any HYIP will eventually close. Your role is to exit on time.
You should look for high-yield investment programs that pay well. This is possible using an HYIP monitor. We’ll cover the mistakes most people make in this post.
Refusal to Diversify
Do you know how to be guaranteed to lose everything? Always invest in one project. Perhaps to leave on time, but then find a new one and reinvest 100%. Sooner or later, this will lead to the fact that you will lose all your capital. And this will happen with the first scam. This is going to be a great lesson that explains all the benefits of diversification.
Spread your savings across 5-10 projects. Remember that there are no “super projects” that will necessarily make a profit. If you do not follow this rule, then the risk of losing everything significantly exceeds the potential profit. The investor is obliged to distribute funds.
Trusting Information from the Internet
Found a review on a new site that promises mountains of gold and describes how wonderful everything is? This needs to be divided not just by two but completely zeroed out. There are many “suckers” online who do not care whether you make money. They need to receive referral deductions from you. They will attract you anywhere, as long as you invest.
This does not mean that all reviews on the global web are fake. After all, this is a good source of finding out about the opening of a new and promising service. An error is only if, after one review, you form your opinion. But the comments of the participants can be used in addition to your own analysis.
Believing in Myths and Legends
10 out of 10 HYIPs do not conduct any real activity. You can give exceptions in the comments, but after a while, make sure that the “super-exception” was just a confirmation of this rule. Most often, the administration hides behind beautiful words to create the illusion of work. They “invest” in:
- Currency;
- Gold;
- Stock;
- Bitcoin HYIP
And these are just the most commonplace examples. There are much more sophisticated ones. You don’t need to believe this. This belief creates a problem, which is a grave mistake. An investor can believe so much that he will not notice how yesterday’s “large equity fund” has come to a close, and SCAM will happen tomorrow. There is no need to be afraid of such a lie. The main thing is not to fall for the hook.
Investments at the Very Start
There is a widespread belief that start-up projects are more reliable. It is supported by the fact that the risk of problems increases with every day of existence. This is partially true, but observing for a couple of days is not only possible but also necessary. You will notice how the site develops and grows. It’s okay that you “miss” a couple of days of profit because it is much more essential to ensure that the service has a future.
This behavior will only be a mistake in the case of low percentages and middle percentages. If you work fast, then this delay can create even more problems. In this case, the cunning technique helps out if it’s not too late.
Investments in Already Developed Sites
This is the opposite extreme. It is a mistake to believe that if the site has already developed and thousands of people have invested in it, then it is more reliable. Quite the opposite is true. The risks of collapse are growing every day. And if you have a powerful hype in front of you, which has been on the market for a year, then you are already late. Walk by as you may find other interesting options.
Don’t go to extremes. Three months for this case is almost the end, and in another case – the very beginning. You need to be able to determine the stage of development.
Borrowing Money for HYIPs
How many people were burned by this thought does not count? The logic of reasoning is extremely simple:
- I will take a bank loan at 15% per annum;
- I will receive 15% per month from HYIPs;
If this could be done, do you think the banks have not thought of making money themselves? This thought alone should alert. However, in practice, it turns out that you will lose part of your capital and be left with debts. This is guaranteed if you are a beginner. And you are a beginner if you have an idea to invest in high-risk projects with borrowed funds.
In order not to miss, remember a simple thing – invest in HYIP the amount that you agree and are ready to lose. You are unlikely to agree to lose credit funds because they still need to be returned.
Investing Your Last Savings
Financial situations can be complicated. We understand that HYIPs look like an opportunity to make money quickly. This is true, but fast does not mean guaranteed. You may be the last to invest and then lose them too. We strongly advise against using money that you do not agree to lose.
This does not mean that you will necessarily burn out. Some people make great money on their investments. But there are still so many chances that without experience and skills you will go to the minus, that you should not use the latter.
Failure to Control the Process
Last but not least on our list is the lack of control. HYIPs require your time and attention at all stages. Initially, you spend hours studying and analyzing. Sometimes in a day, you can not find a single worthy contender. But when it is found, and you open a deposit, then the work does not end there.
You have to monitor the situation constantly, both within the system and in the media space around it. Your main task is to get out on time. Ideally, if not early, so as not to miss out on profits, but also not too late, so as not to be on the list of those “lucky ones” who stand in line and firmly believe that you can get your money back after a hyped scam. The control must be constant.
The post Common Mistakes When Investing in HYIPs first appeared on Feedster.
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