Wednesday, July 17, 2019

5 Ways to Drive More Sales for Your Local Business

Local businesses have the odds stacked against them. These days, competing with the retail giants and online powerhouses like Amazon make it very difficult to keep the doors open, let alone make a comfortable living.

What is one thing that will always help a business in difficult times? More sales.

If your business is in need of a kick-start, here are five things to take into consideration, as they can all help you generate more sales. Not only does this give you the revenue injection needed to survive, but it introduces new customers to your offer, and this can create repeat buyers and lifetime supporters in your local market.

1. Create and leverage a personal brand.

A local business that has a face attached to it will attract more attention than a faceless brand. Get involved and make it a point to show your face. This can be in the form of ads, marketing material or just being active on your businesses social media content.

Often times you can connect with your audience and create a relationship that then converts them into customers. If an audience likes your personality and how you conduct yourself they are going to be more inclined to support your local business.

2. Be found on all directory and review websites.

When someone is looking for a product or service locally they turn to the internet. You need to make sure your business is listed correctly on Google My Business, Yelp, Facebook,, etc. These are the main directories consumers turn to when they need a local option.

You also want to make sure your customers are leaving reviews. This shows potential patrons your business is active and has happy customers.

3. Build a special offers newsletter.

Collect the email addresses of all customers and send out special offers to them. A slow sales day can turn around quickly if you send out an enticing offer. A local restaurant can send out an offer for a free appetizer that can pack the place at a very minimal cost.

Don’t spam the list. Make sure what you are sending out is something they will truly appreciate, or they will unsubscribe and disconnect from your business.

4. Run targeted social media ads.

With Google, Facebook and Instagram ads you are able to target your ads to specific locations. Run ads within a small radius of your business highlighting special offers. You can do this during off-peak hours to drive foot traffic.

If your product or service caters to a younger demographic you can also try Snapchat ads. They are very affordable now and offer some very creative geo targeting and geo fencing options.

5. Don’t ignore traditional marketing channels.

With so many people focused online, it’s important that you don’t ignore traditional channels entirely. Some businesses can still do very well from radio and TV ads, or even print ads in niche specific publications.

You never want to put all of your eggs in one basket. If traditional advertising and marketing still produces a ROI then keep in in your lineup.

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