Thursday, January 14, 2021

How Online Physio Services Can Help you

As we age, things like backache and stiff joints seem to linger and there could be many reasons why a person suffers pain and discomfort in this way. People who drive all day, or those who sit in front of a computer screen, can easily develop neck or spinal issues and this would be something for a qualified physio.

Virtual Physio Services

While it may still be possible to book a session at the clinic or studio, you can book an online consultation at Wenty Physio, an established physiotherapist with many years of hands-on experience. Here are just a few of the benefits of online consultations:

  • Have the session in the comfort of your own living room.
  • Receive a recorded session after the consultation.
  • Advice from a qualified physiotherapist.

The cost is also lower than a regular consultation and if you follow the recommendations the physio makes, your condition will quickly improve. If you would like to learn more about virtual physio sessions, search with Google and you will find a leading physio in your area that offers virtual services and you can make a booking. More and more patients are turning to online sessions, as there are many benefits from doing so.

Long-Term Treatment Programs

If you are recovering from a serious injury, the lockdown may have interrupted your physio treatment, but with virtual sessions, you can continue with your ongoing program. It might be an hour, two times per week and with virtual services, the physio can monitor your progress and make the same recommendations as if you were at the clinic. Click here for information about the importance of vitamins in our diet, which is worth the read. Whatever our physical ailment, it is important to have a balanced diet so do make sure that you include fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet; small organic farms sell their produce online.

Curing Backache

If you suffer with backache, an online session with a physio would likely cure the problem and you can book a time that suits, plus the cost is reduced, which is great news. You might only need a single session to learn what is causing the issue and can take steps to address the problem, which is what happens in many cases.

Sporting Injuries

If you play a contact sport and have suffered an injury, the online physio sessions will accelerate your recovery and having to suspend your treatment could put your recovery back a few weeks. If you know the right exercises to do that will assist the recovery process, you can do them as instructed by your online physio. We all know that the wrong exercises and movement can cause an injury to worsen and with a qualified physio interacting with you via Zoom, you can receive the best advice and can create an exercise routine that will aid recovery.


This is a time when a woman needs some professional advice and with the online physio, you can remain in the comfort of your own home – now is not a good time to be out and about – and the cost is lower than regular physio sessions. You can book sessions at your convenience and the clinic will give you preparation instructions, which include setting up the video call software, while you learn about correct posture and breathing exercises to make you more comfortable. The session is recorded and sent you via email a few minutes after the sessions expires, and that enables you to view multiple times, which enhances the experience.

Recording the Sessions

This is really helpful to many people, as often, the advice of the physio is not remembered and with a virtual session, every minute is recorded and sent you via email within a few minutes of your session finishing. The allows you to watch and re-watch as many times as you wish, thus ensuring that you fully understand the advice given by the physio, indeed, most patients watch the session several times and report that they gain a lot from the multiple viewing experience.

Times to Suit

The online physio understand that we have schedules and if you wish to have your virtual session at an outside-hour time, the professional would do what they can to accommodate you. Having the luxury of not having to leave your home to spend time with a qualified physio is all thanks to VoIP technology that enables platforms such as Zoom and Skype. Once on the physio’s website, simply take a look at the dropdown calendar and see where there are empty slots and make your booking.

We are truly fortunate to have the technology that allows us to receive certain medical and health services in a virtual environment and even when things go back to normal, virtual consultations will still be as popular as they are in the lockdown.

The post How Online Physio Services Can Help you first appeared on Feedster.

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