Thursday, January 14, 2021

How to Avoid Violence Against Farm Animals?

There are over 8.7 million species of animals who share the same planet as us, and out of them, man is supposed to be the most superior.

However, the human species fails to understand that with this power comes the responsibility of looking after and protecting these aquatic animals and land animals.

Animal cruelty is hugely prevalent among all cultures, something that humanity should be ashamed of. It encompasses several behaviors that induce animal suffering, such as malicious killing and neglect.

It can mean anything from poaching wild animals to chaining a dog to a post for hours on end. This also includes all harmful activities against farm animals such as chickens, cows, and pigs.

There are several breeds of animals raised by farmers in a factory solely for testing. This is rife in several industries such as the food and beverages and the beauty industry.

Thankfully, with the changing times, there have been stronger laws that have been passed against the testing on animals. Consumers have become aware of such activities as well, and the search for cruelty-free products is on the rise.

However, countries such as China still enforce such activities, which has given rise to protests by welfare advocates.

Farm animals are at a high risk of being subject to abuse and cruelty from the farming factory. Most factory farms in the United States operate under poor conditions wherein the animals are devoid of basic luxuries such as sunshine and natural, fresh air.

Thankfully, there are ways in which we, as consumers, can help avoid violence against animals. Here are a few steps with which we can begin:

Eat less meat

In the United States, over 9 billion animals such as cows and pigs are raised for slaughter every year. This is a large number of livestock raised solely for consumption by the American people.

We can do our part to protect farm animals by consuming less meat and dairy. To improve the settings that these animals are in, it is imperative that the number of consumption goes down drastically.

Not only will these animals thrive, but humans will also save themselves from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular abnormalities by the reduction in meat.

Seek higher-welfare food

Most of the animals’ meat available for consumption comes from farms that have bleak conditions and small spaces to house the animals. Sadly, most of the animals’ products available for consumption are made available by livestock in deplorable states.

We can become more aware of the situation and ask the farmers where and how their livestock is raised while buying at the local market. Several companies offer products certified to meet higher animal welfare standards.

You can also choose to promote such products on your social media to raise awareness about such production means.

Stand against cruelty

Whenever you witness lousy farms with poor conditions, make sure to stand up against such behavior. Social media’s impact is massive, and people can learn all about the latest news, including that of cruelty on the internet.

Several organizations such as local humane society and animals’ care agency can help you voice out your concerns against such a shady farm. You may also contact the local authorities to help you fight against such behavior.

One can be a responsible citizen and help the confined livestock such as pigs to be raised in a better environment.

Avoid particular food

You can be more responsible about what you are eating without giving up on meat altogether. Some food comes from animals who are treated with abuse and inhumanity.

Unlike food such as pork, eggs, and chicken from factory farms, food such as veal, foie gras, frog legs, crustaceans, shark fin soup, and live sashimi are delicacies that involve a high level of viciousness against such livestock.

For instance, veal comes from calves under the age of a month who are confined in small spaces to limit their muscle development. On the other hand, shark fin soup comes from trapped sharks whose fins are cut before they are left back out on the sea to bleed to death.

You can do your part by rejecting such animals’ meat and food altogether to help prevent such inhumane behavior.

Fight against Factory Farms

Local opposition is one of the best steps to bring down farms that are currently operational in the U.S.A. Factory farms are dominated by animal feeding operations that treat them as production units and nothing more.

They are raised in deplorable settings and are tightly packed in small confinements that restrict their movement and growth.

Besides promoting abuse or animal cruelty, they also pollute the environment as 14.5% of livestock are responsible for global greenhouse gases that poison water, affecting both plant and livestock life.

If a factory farm is operational in your locality, make sure to learn all about it first and then do your best to stop it from treating animals inhumanely.

There are other ways in which you can help. For instance, you may consider volunteering at a farming animals sanctuary in your free time. If you have the resources, you can even choose to adopt such livestock and raise them as a part of your family.

peYou may also be tempted to try out local cuisine while you’re vacationing. It is best to learn to apply due diligence to evade risk by steering clear of meat that may have been subject to cruelty. It is, after all, our duty as humans to care for all other species.

The post How to Avoid Violence Against Farm Animals? first appeared on Feedster.

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