Tuesday, July 6, 2021

5 Strategy Games That Are Perfect for Entrepreneurs

These games help to keep an entrepreneur’s mind sharp while allowing them to have fun at the same time  

There’s no doubt that entrepreneurs work extremely hard. These individuals put in countless hours at the office to ensure that their companies thrive and are often tasked with managing groups of employees that rely on their regular guidance to succeed.  

With that being said, it can be hard for modern-day entrepreneurs to find time to unwind and enjoy non-work activities. However, what if there was a way these dedicated business owners could entertain themselves while simultaneously sharpening their cognitive abilities?

In this article, we outline five strategy games that highlight major entrepreneurial qualities such as decision-making skills, attentiveness, patience, communication, and more.


Many people are familiar with chess as a game that involves two players competing across from each other on a board filled with 64 squares and 16 intricately designed pawns.

A game whose history can be traced back as far as 7th century India, chess is actually one of the best games for improved brain function and memory enhancement.

Throughout any one session of chess, players are required to think fast yet process moves thoroughly and make constant decisions while predicting those of their opponent. Each of these actions fosters creativity and mental sharpness, two essential attributes for entrepreneurs.  


In the same way that chess serves as a mental stimulant, so does poker. A beloved strategic card game that is over 1,000 years old, poker has many cognitive benefits stemming from consistent gameplay, some of which include better critical thinking skills, short- and long-term memory improvement, and increased focus levels.

In fact, one of the biggest rules of poker etiquette is to always remain focused and pay close attention as the flow of the game relies upon it. Thus, if a player takes their eyes off the table or becomes momentarily distracted, the entire outcome could be tarnished. In the same way, entrepreneurs must consistently show elite levels of attentiveness in their individual work environments if they want to really get ahead.

Known as one of the classic games of strategy, chess is an intellectually demanding game perfect for entrepreneurial development  

Axis and Allies

In addition to poker and chess, another fun game entrepreneurs can practice for mind development is Axis and Allies. The most modern activity on the list, Axis and Allies was released as a series of World War II strategic board games back in the early 1980s.

Since then, the game has become popular amongst various audiences. Its gameplay revolves around 2-5 players attempting to gain territory for eventual global dominance. During the game, players must coordinate battles, move troops, and generally look after their specific nation.

Although you don’t need to be an expert strategist to win in Axis and Allies, careful planning and attentiveness is required to beat out opponents. Therefore, the game is another great hobby for developing entrepreneurial skills.   


The oldest game on the list, Hnefatafl is an ancient Viking board game from more than 1,600 years ago, that originated and was popular in Northern Europe all the way up until the first crusade.

The 2-player game, which is presented on a latticed board with two groups of different colored pawns, relies on the player attacking the king (in the center of the board) while keeping a close eye on every attempt he makes to escape.

The Viking game is best for improving both problem-solving and communication skills, with great attention brought to using efficient tactics and strategies as well.

Puzzle Games/Crosswords

Last but not least, puzzle games and crosswords are great mind-enhancing tools for entrepreneurs. One of the most popular strategic puzzle games, Sudoku, has been proven to help keep brains sharp, especially in seniors. The perfect activity to play on a lunch break or on the commute ride home from work, Sudoku is entertaining while being a source of great cognitive benefit.

The post 5 Strategy Games That Are Perfect for Entrepreneurs first appeared on Feedster.

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