Sunday, July 4, 2021

What is Delta 8 and its Benefits to Your Health?

You’ve probably heard of Delta Eight over the last six months or so. I’ve seen it everywhere—all over the internet and to be honest, I’ve been extremely skeptical. I have a lot of history with hemp products and while I do love full-spectrum CBD oils and full-spectrum hemp products, there’s a lot of snake oil salesmen out there when it comes to CBD products.

Not all CBD products are created equal and even the really good hemp products that I found are quite a few and far in between. While some do a very good job of relaxing you and relieving stress and anxiety, none of them get you stoned or gives an intoxicating effect.

A good example of this is Delta Eight—a hemp-derived product that proved very surprising. As a matter of fact, its results have received rave reviews which you can read more in Delta Effects.

What do people say about it?

I tried the 25 milligrams and I was so skeptical since I might get stoned off of a hemp product that I took three times my normal dose. The good thing is that there’s not a whole lot of difference between these gummies and the gummies that you would get at a dispensary.

There are a few differences and we’re going to talk about them. The manager of Cass field dispensary, Charlie, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite people knows that I suffer from an anxiety disorder and because of that I’m a big fan of edibles gummies.

They’re longer-lasting and I don’t have to medicate every 30 to 45 minutes to keep my anxiety in check. I can take one dose now.

What do people like about it?

I’m a huge fan of gummies but she has suggested that I try Delta Eight because gummies are kind of expensive and I’m not always a big fan of being medicated that you can’t function sometimes.

Although it’s fun and I enjoy it occasionally, most of the time, I need to find some kind of relief to keep my anxiety and my panic in check so that I can go out into the world and function as a normal human being so I got some of these Delta Eight gummies from native hemp.

It has been about two weeks and I’ve had a chance to really dive into them I’m going to be talking today about what is Delta Eight and how it’s a form of THC which is different from a Delta-nine THC.

What You Should Know About Delta Eight THC

The Best Delta eight  THC provides some psychoactive effects it’s also the main psychoactive ingredient within the marijuana plant and what Delta Eight is.

The reason it’s been talked about a lot is that many people are using hemp and its derivatives to create Delta Eight THC. They’re doing this through organic synthesis in the lab. They’re taking CBD and converting it over to Delta 8 to provide the same psychoactive effects.

Many say it has a mellow effect so they’re using hemp-derived materials and they’re processing it to the point where it’s converted into a Delta Eight THC molecule that then they can formulate into vapors or gummies.

Simply put, it’s actually a lot like a CBD or THC oil which is very thick and needs to be heated to be able to pour it.

How much Delta 8 you can use in product

If you want to make products using Delta Eight, you gotta make sure that you have to use less than 0.3 Delta 8 THC. If you have too much Delta 8 in it, you’re not going to be able to use that product for your vapor or you need to dilute it down so that it doesn’t have too much.

The post What is Delta 8 and its Benefits to Your Health? first appeared on Feedster.

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